I believe in honest, candid, creative storytelling.

Hi, I’m Lauren

Likes: Creating, dancing, running, cycling, singing in the car on long drives, hiking, sunrises, sunsets, camping, travel, movie nights, Oreo ice cream, mountains, beaches, wine and tapas in the city, or coffee and a cup of noodles camping in the mountains, documenting real life moments for real life people.

Dislikes: Tomatoes, hate, snakes, the price of film these days.

My love of photography grew out of my obsession with family photo albums. Growing up, my mother poured time and energy into creating personalized scrapbooks for my siblings and I. To this day I cherish those books and look forward to the days when they are pulled out, my families heads are squished together, eyes pouring over the aging pages of the scrap books, memories come to life, and laughter and joy is inevitable. Of course it was the 90’s and all of the photos were taken on 35mm film. There’s just something so special and real about the way film captures little moments. Especially the imperfect ones. It’s one of the reasons I love using film to capture your stories.

I’ve known I would pursue a career in photography since my first days in a high school dark room. My time studying art at university pushed me to create in many mediums and allowed me to experiment with different photography styles. While studying both film and digital photography, my love always brought me back to portraiture. I love capturing people and their different life stories that shine through my lens. I’m constantly yearning to snap real moments and emotions of love, family, and silliness. It’s the combination of my creative mind, attention to detail, my calming personality, and adventure seeking spirit that help me to capture and share the unique stories of each of my clients. Be it the biggest moments in life or the small fleeting ones, I will be there with camera in hand, ready to bottle it up for you to cherish for lifetimes.

I believe in creating photos that convey your real story in the dreamiest way possible. From the big moments to the tiniest details and everything in between. Life is fleeting and you deserve photos that bottle up the magic of your day so those memories can to enjoyed for generations

 Are you a business owner or entrepreneur?

My love of storytelling goes beyond portraits. Let me tell your brand story.